

Feeling unsure on what to get your loved ones for Christmas 2020? I share a host of ideas to get you inspired for the men and the women in your life, for a range of budgets!


Summer 2017 is approaching and so the Wedding Season (as most of the weddings are celebrated in summer indeed!).

Stefania, image consultant - founder of One of a Style - wants with this video share 3 tips for guests (women) who are attending one or more weddings in the coming season, to help them with their selection of dressed and outfits. 

This idea came after as she dealt with lots of clients in the past who asked her consultation to find dresses and accessories to attend weddings. It is clear that this is not an easy subject and that most people (especially women) get lost, and sometimes crazy, in their seeks of an appropriate outfit for the occasion.

1st tip Stefania gives is about the location and venue, and so the style, of the wedding (villa or country house?! Castle or restaurant?!) that can make the difference in the choice of the dress'style!

2nd tip is about the accessories features! An outstanding outfit is not just done by the dress but by the whole set of elements and embellishment. She suggests to find metallic accessories (gold / silver/ rose gold...) that can be easily matching between them and with all the colours of the spectrum for a dress! A smart choice above all if you have more than one wedding/even in a single season, so that you can change the dress but leave the same accessories (shoes, clutch, jewellery).

3rd tip is more than everything the answer to a question many clients asked her : can we wear white or black at a wedding? If you wish to know the answer have a look to the video :-) We don't want to spoil you everything, do we?! 


I bet this is something that happened to most of you at least once in your lifetime, buying a nice garment and then finding this "funny" symbol on its care label the minute before putting it into the washing machine:

For those of you don't know it yet, let me introduce you the "do not wash" symbol.

I came up with the idea of this article after I had a personal shopping tour with a client. She was in love with a white coat, determined to buy it, and I was even encouraging her because it suited her very much; but right before going to the till to pay for it I asked her to check the care label and, guess what!? the "funny" symbol was there!  

Now...can you imagine a white coat?

Pure, clear, magnetic.... just for one day probably!

It could become greyish in a snap just by touching something or leaning the elbows somewhere; not to mention the chance of getting it stained by eating or drinking something (and if you wear it for your nights out there is a high chance for it to happen).

So, what options did she have? Apparently two : buy it but leave it hanging in the closet, well preserved in its packaging, waiting for a very special occasion, or leave it in the shop. My clients, following my suggestion, choose option 2. A coat is quite an expensive piece of apparel, even in the high street chain shops, so she wisely thought it wasn't worth spending money on it. 

But, honestly, this is not fair; when it happens that we like a garment and it also really suits and enhances us, we should be free to buy it! 

I really wish to say something to all the apparel companies : probably they don't know it but a garment needs to be washed, If not right after we bought it, at least once we've worn it.

The problem is I've worked for several fashion companies in the past, because I used to be product developer and fashion designer before being an image consultant, and I know how it works. I can't and don't want to generalize, but most of the time companies simply prefer to avoid risks - by putting a "do not wash" symbol on a care label they prevent complains related to the washing/care of a garment. This is an easy and convenient option for them, not as convenient for their customer actually.

Let me tell you something : there is no fabric that cannot be washed! And in case it really exists it shouldn't be used to produce clothes (am I wrong?!). Obviously I'm not telling you to wash everything that has that symbol on its care label, I cannot guarantee that your garments can be really washed, there are many factors to be considered (for example if there are beads, delicate embroideries or any kind of embellishment on it) but I can tell you that as long as it's plain and the fabric is silk, viscose, cotton, linen, rayon, polyester, nylon and even wool, you can hand wash it or do a delicate and proper washing machine program; and if it's leather, a coat or a down jacket you can have it dry cleaned at the laundry. 

I've also got several garments that apparently cannot be washed, most of them are high quality brands and quite expensive, and I noticed this detail too late, but I decided to run the risk : I washed them! And you know what? The outcome was unbelievably perfect.

This is another reason why I'm writing these few words : now as in the past, when I was on the brands' side, I hate that customers are cheated! 

Take my words just as a warning but do what you really think is best for your clothes and act according to your ideas.

I just want to give you a warm advice for next time you go shopping for clothes : before buying a garment don't just look at the price tag, also check the care label and if you see the "do not wash" symbol leave it where it is, possibly explaining your reasons to the sales assistants. Your money is valuable, spend it wisely and avoid surprises!

This is, in fact, something I help my clients with during their personal shopping experiences with me. With my background in fashion I know well fabrics and how to treat them.

40 shopping clothes exclusive total look outfits Stefania Bartolomei top UK best Personal shopper stylist One of a Style London.jpg